| Name | Sprachen | Kurzbeschreibung |
 | Quantius, Astrid | | Sprecherin für Hörspiel, Hörbuch, Werbung, Trickstimme, Audio-Guides, Games, Mehrwertdienste, Präsentationen, Synchron... | 16553 | | | | 2 |
 | Quigley, Liam | | Liam Quigley is one of Ireland's leading professional Voiceovers and works form his own studio in Dublin 9-5 each day.... | 16600 | 16555 | | | 1 |
 | Quintero, Felo | | Spanish - Latin American Neutral,
Smooth and professional for presentations.
Multifaceted for talents in commercials.
Profession... | 16599 | | | | 1 |
 | Quiroga, Juan | | chilelocutor, Pro-locutor, JUAN QUIROGA - LOCUTOR JUAN QUIROGA... | 16569 | | | | 1 |